'Expect A Knock On Your Door' - Dr. Bawumia Takes Campaign To Streets Of Eastern Region

The "Mahamudu Bawumia for President" campaign commenced in the Eastern Region on April 29, 2024.

The Vice President, who also serves as the flagbearer for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), began with a meeting with faith-based organizations, promising a new relationship between religious groups and the state.

Later, Bawumia took to the streets to personally engage with citizens, as depicted in photos shared by his campaign spokesperson, Dennis Miracles Aboagye.

He is seen greeting passengers in commercial transport (taxi, trotro, pragya) and embracing an elderly woman in a place that appears to be a market.

Miracles captioned his post on platform X: "We are on the streets, engaging with the citizens of this country in a manner unprecedented. Expect a knock on your door, your neighbor's door, or in your streets in the coming days."

Bawumia, who has been Vice President under Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo since 2017, was elected as the NPP flagbearer late last year.

He aspires to be elected President in the 2024 elections, as the NPP seeks to 'break the 8'—that is, to disrupt the eight-year power rotation cycle between the NPP and the main opposition, the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

His principal adversary is the former President, John Dramani Mahama, who is the flagbearer of the NDC.

We are on the streets engaging the citizens of this country in a way never seen before.

Expect a knock on your door or your neighbors door or on your streets in the coming days. @MBawumia is the real deal#BoldSolutionsforOurFuture#Bawumia2024 #ItisPossible pic.twitter.com/zHMpXCn7Ql

— Dennis Edward Aboagye (@DennisMiracles) April 29, 2024