GIMPA Students Boycott Lectures Over GHC50 Levy

Students of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Admistration (GIMPA) are demonstrating against the school�s authorities over the cost of a sticker that is required to gain access to the school. According the students, the GHC 50 management is charging for the use of the back entrance to the school is unacceptable. They insists that the price of the sticker should be reviewed downward or withdrawn. President of the Students� Representative Council (SRC) at GIMPA, Kadiri Alhassan, told XYZ News, they have been engaging the management on the new price but are yet to reach an agreement. He said the aggrieved students have failed to heed to the calls of the SRC to exercise restraints as the matter is resolved. He admits however that the demonstration could have adverse effects on students.