A Clean Heart Receives From God

Reaching our full potential begins with a clean heart�one that loves the Lord and desires to obey Him. However, each of us was born with a nature bent away from God. Jeremiah 17:9 describes the heart as deceitful and inclined towards wickedness. Pleasing self is man�s normal state. Psalm 119:9-11 Salvation changed our hearts and lives. Jesus� death on the cross paid the penalty for our sin and broke its power over us. By receiving Christ as Savior, we each became a new creation�with a heart sensitive to the Holy Spirit�s leading and a mind that strongly desires to know the Father better. We also received the Spirit�s power to deny our selfish desires and obey God. With clean hearts, we can begin to realize the capabilities our loving Lord has given us. The best way to maintain a clean heart is by meditating on Scripture. It acts like a mirror in which we see ourselves as God does. Through it, we discover the areas where we have been faithful and also the places where we�ve veered from His path. Expressing genuine repentance brings God�s forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). The heart represents the seat of our mind, will, and emotions. When we strive to keep it pure, we will more easily discern the Lord�s plan, submit our will to His, and follow Him obediently. Becoming the person God planned for each of us to be requires an intimate relationship with Him and a desire to obey His Word. Apart from Jesus, we can�t achieve anything of lasting value (John 15:5). Cooperating with the Holy Spirit�s transforming work will help us keep our hearts clean.