PNC Dircetor of Communication:Teachers Deserve Better Treatment

The Director of communication for the PNC, Henry Asante has pleaded with government to give in to every demand the teachers have asked for in their bargaining agreement because their claims according to him are not anything the government cannot provide. He explained that the teaching sector as at now has 60,000 teacher deficits to fill the gap and the idea that the working 270, 000 teachers are not satisfied and are been ordered by the National Labour Commission to go back to classroom against their wish will discourage others to go into the field. Contributing to Okay FMs �Ghana Decides� program, the leading member of AFAG, said that the concept of teaching is very important and to him this goes with responsibility; in that this is where government matters to adjudicate and distribute the asset evenly to reach the teachers. He stated that with the single spine implementation, teachers are still suffering; as they are denied the same privileges other sectors are enjoying. He further said that there must be a way out to help the teachers in order for them to help the children who are the next leaders of the country. According to him their salaries are nothing to write home about, adding that those in Parliament are within the same month receiving more benefits than any other sector which to him it will be a natural thing that the teachers will not sit down to be cheated. He however said that there are more schools and the population keeps increasing, therefore government should be prepared to meet the demands which come with it, in order to improve the education in the country.