Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Goes To Class One

The saying that age should not be an obstacle to one�s determination to educate him/herself was confirmed when 15-year-old Dabieri Bankyenu was spotted in class one at Piisi Primary School in Wa Municipality on �my first day in school�. Bankyenu told Mr. Abu Kabiebata Kansangbata, Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, that it was his dream to become a Medical Doctor in future. Mr. Kansangbata, who was accompanied by Mr. Iddrisu Mahama, Regional Director of Education, to welcome new kids to school said he was highly elated to see the young boy deciding to take his destiny into his own hands. He urged him to eschew all forms of indiscipline and study hard in order to realize his ambition of becoming a Doctor in future. Mr. Kasangbata advised him not to be a bully among �his kid brothers� who are his classmates but rather be a teacher to them since his level of understanding was greater than theirs. He said education was a major priority to the government and that challenges such as inadequate classrooms, furniture and others would be addressed soon to enhance effective teaching and learning. Explaining the essence of my first day in school, Mr. Mahama said it was a national policy designed to welcome and motivate new comers to school so that they would be encouraged to stay in school. He said he was impressed with the enrollment figures and appealed to parents to accompany their children to school every day to ensure their safety on the road.