No Sex No Marriage Actress ...

Ghanaian actress, Soraya Mensah, says that, although she has  made it public that she is ready to get back into the dating scene following her recent divorce, she is unwilling to consider her male colleagues in the entertainment industry as potential partners.

She told Showbiz in an interview on Monday that she considers her male colleagues in the industry as friends and as such would never date them. 

“I have been getting offers from them constantly but they’re like family to me and because of that, I can’t date them,” she said.

The pretty 28 year-old actress however, disclosed who qualifies as her her ideal man. She revealed that she was looking beyond physical attributes and rather focusing on the spiritual and intellectual 

“At this point in my life, I’m not interested in the physical qualities of a man. My ideal man has to be really smart and God fearing and spiritual. I have started a spiritual journey so I need someone who will stand by me as I go along,” she added. 

She said although she’s yet to find her Prince Charming. She believes in God and knows that He will lead her to the right person very soon. 

Soraya explained that she plans on producing her own movie very soon, hence her absence from the Ghanaian movie scene lately. 

“Since whatever movie I star in, would be my comeback I have to make sure I do it right. I’m already getting ready to produce my own movie and the few scripts I have received from directors, have not been impressive enough to get me interested,” she said.

Soraya however disclosed that she has been actively engaged in nurturing the next generation of young people interested in working in the entertainment industry in the country. 

“I’ve been holding talks in some of the second cycle institutions and clubs to advise the youth about the challenges they might face in their quest to become stars. There are a lot of risks involved and I don’t want them to get taken advantage off by some unscrupulous individuals,” she said.

“Some of the subjects we talk about are how to combine acting with other careers goals, how to comport themselves, how to be themselves, what to do during auditions among others,” she revealed.   

Soraya has featured in a number of movies such as Scorned, No Sex No Marriage, Princess Bride among others.