Those �Stealing� Military Lands Should Please Tread Cautiously,

There is no opposing to the fact that Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) is a very respected institution. It is also a fact that the Ghana Armed Forces, has a very enviable international image, and has produced lots of celebrated Officers and Men.

It is for these reasons and more that The Informer is worried about news making the rounds to the effect that, the current Military Chiefs, are colluding with the Government to sell lands belonging to the Ghana Armed Forces to Private Developers.

Indeed, a group of retired military officers have boldly decided to take the bull by the horn to take on the Military High Command.

The Informer, is keeping its eyes on this issue because, we vividly recall how the National Democratic Congress (NDC) then in opposition, played serious politics with the wanton acquisition and sale of state lands by the then ruling New patriotic Party (NPP) and its apparatchiks.

If it is true that the NDC, has so soon forgotten how it won the 2008 general elections and is doing the same things the NPP did that led to their losing that election, then it is very, very sad.

Did the NDC win power, just to do the same unethical things the NPP did by way of abusing power and grabbing state lands “wa, waa, waaa” like there is no tomorrow?

To the extent that the group of retired officers, are not hiding their face and voice, The Informer, is also not going to hide its thoughts on this very explosive and politically suicidal matter.

The Informer is pleading with those who are “stealing” military lands to please tread cautiously, because we all know what can happen if junior officers and the other ranks get fed up with high command.

Certainly, nobody wants another June 4 Uprising!!!