Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees using nectar from flowers.

Honey flavour will vary based on the types of flower from which the nectar was harvested.

Both raw and pasteurised forms of honey are available but aside from honey’s seductive colour and flavour, it has some scientific superpowers that add to its appeal. 

• Sleep aid
Honey can be a health aid for sleepless nights.

Similar to sugar, honey can cause a rise in insulin and release serotonin — a neurotransmitter that improves mood and happiness.

• Weight loss
When honey is consumed with warm water, it helps in digesting the fat stored in your body.

• Immunity system builder
Honey can be a powerful immune system booster.

Its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease.

• For sore throats
One of the better known health benefits of honey is that it is able to help treat sore throats.

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only soothes throats but can also kill certain bacteria that cause the infection.