MDCC counteracts misleading information about leaders

The National Executive Committee of the Musama Disco Christo Church (MDCC) has warned against efforts by some individuals who are driven by selfish interests to cast insinuations against the leadership of the church.

“The National Executive Committee of the Musama Disco Christo Church has been compelled to issue this… statement in order to respond to the effusions of a group of dissidents within the church who, at a press conference at Cape Coast recently, found it worthy to throw invectives and cast insinuations at the leadership of the church.”

A statement issued by Reverend Isaac Bagyinah, General Secretary of the Church in Accra on Tuesday said the press conference sought to distort the facts and events prior and subsequent to the removal of Prophet Miritaiah Jonah Jehu-Appiah from office as the leader of the MDCC.

“In order to clothe themselves with some legitimacy, the group made up of surrogates of the deposed Akaboha sought to create the impression that they represented or carried the views of ‘some leading members’ of the Church.

“We wish to state in no uncertain terms that the individuals who organised the said press conference are persons who were driven by selfishness to follow the deposed Akaboha in his obstinate posture.

“Their aim is to create and perpetuate confusion in the Church for their personal benefits to the detriment of the Church,” the statement said.

It added that in their desperate attempt to cheaply court for themselves some public sympathies, these individuals sought to create the impression that the court action initiated against the deposed Akaboha was a response to some attempt of his to restructure the religious and secular affairs of the church by persons who were opposed to these alleged reforms.

“We state categorically that there is no truth in this claim. On the contrary, the court action was taken to seek confirmation of a decision validly taken by the leadership of the Church at the 71st I’Odomey Conference in 2003 to remove Prophet Miritaiah for stated misbehaviour.

“Goaded into action by these same selfish surrogates, he refused to yield to the decision of the Church and rather continued obstinately to carry himself out as Akaboha, ordaining priests and commissioning prophets.

“The church therefore filed a suit at the High Court to seek a declaration that his removal was lawful and proper.”

The statement said it is therefore not the case that the court action was instituted against Prophet Miritaiah in response to the purported restructuring exercise being carried out by him.

“In response to the baseless allegation that a group used subtle means to arrogate to themselves executive powers to run the Church, we state that the body was duly constituted by the I’Odomey Conference and given all the powers of the Church to run its affairs.

The statement said the Church is undivided and stands united behind its accredited leadership.

It said the Church has in place its leadership structure, which is under the command of Prophet Moknajeeba Jehu-Appiah, since the way for his re-confirmation as the head of the Church was opened by the Supreme Court Judgement on the November 15, 2015.

“We call on all members of the Church to be steadfast in their prayers and stand united behind the current leadership.”