Betway Simplifies Sports-Betting For Ghanaian Fans

Betway, leading international bookmaker, is launching a new and innovative mobile/web based betting platform in the Ghanaian market.

The goal of this new betting method is to simplify the experience of sports-betting fans who are looking to bet on football, both local and international.

This new platform will allow customers to place bets on upcoming fixtures from their computers, tablets or even their mobile phones.

This will give fans the power to bet from anywhere, anytime and over any device. By making remote betting easy and simple to use, Betway is removing the need for betting fans to visit physical stores and bookmakers to place their bets.

To start using the Betway platform, players need only register on the Betway website at Once done, they’ll be able to use a number of mobile money providers (Tigo Cash Paybill: BETWAY / Airtel Paybill: BETWAY / MTN Mobile Money Paybill: BETWAY) to deposit money for all the bets they wish to pay. They will also be able to use these mobile money providers to withdraw any of their winnings.