If You Are Not Married To A Girl, She is Free To Sleep With Any Man...

For the past few months, counsellor Lutterodt, has been giving all sort of advice to married couples and people in relationships. Hearing him make those comments is like watching Bukom Banku goof around–no one takes him serious.

In his latest “advice” to young couples in relationship, Counsellor Lutterodt warned men that their girlfriends are free to f**k any man until they marry them.

Answering a listener who asked him how he should handle his cheating girlfriend, the counsellor said this whilst on Happy FM today: “What’s wrong with someone using something you are also using. There’s no cheating in any relationship that is not marriage. Cheating is only recognized in marriage. So if you are dating someone and they go and sleep with another person, it’s not a crime. 

Well I guess he knows absolutely nothing about courtship and commitment in relationship.