Tips On How To Prevent Your Child From Being Sexually Assaulted

In the past few months, there have been at least five cases of girls being allegedly assaulted.

When we hear about such cases, we get angry, sad or frustrated. This leads to bouts of protests and petitions on the subject matter.

But how can we prevent these from happening? Here are ways in which you, as a parent or a caregiver, can shield children from such predators.

Note that, this article is not meant to justify a rapist's actions in any way; it simply provides tips that can help your child feel safer.
Introduce age-appropriate sex education as and when you get the opportunity.

Have casual conversations with your kids. Make sure you know their daily routine. And this will give you tips on what goes on in your absence. That will eventually give you the opportunity to teach them about safe practices in public.

Teach the child various ways to ask for help and about the kinds of people they can seek help from.

As your child grows older, let the conversations you have with them be on puberty and safe sex practices. Let them know the values of a healthy relationship, and how to avoid a manipulative one when they come into contact with one.

Let children be aware of the dangers of accepting rides from or talking to strangers.

Children should be encouraged to talk with their parents if they ever have a problem, not only with a stranger but also with a friend or relative.

Children should know a safe, well-traveled route to take to and from school. They should always avoid isolated areas.

Teenagers who would want to be baby-sitters should not accept jobs with people they do not know, or who have not been referred by people they know.