Mass Transfer Hits NADMO; all 216 District Directors Moved

All 216 District, Municipal and Metropolitan Directors of the  National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) have been relieved of their posts and transferred to other areas of the country.

They have been given less than a week to  report at their new stations without transfer grants else risk loosing their jobs.

According to the Deputy Executive Director of NADMO in charge of Operations, Abu Ramadan, most of these affected officers have worked over the years in acting capacity and have been replaced with substantive directors.

He told kasapa News, that the transferred officers cannot use the fact that they’ve not received their transfer grant as an excuse for not reporting at their new station, noting that the transfer grants of some officers who were transferred in 2013 and 2014 are still yet to receive their grants.

“You must report at your new duty post and begin working when the transfer grant is paid, wherever you took money from to enable move to your new post, you go and replace it. But you can’t use the transfer grant issue as a basis for not reporting at your new post. We work with laws, the laws says if you absent yourself for ten clear working days without any excuse or permission you automatically forfeit your job.

“On the basis of this law if you have a job and committed to doing it well to develop this country, if you’ve been asked to move to Kadjebi and you’re even in Sandema, make sure that even though the transfer grant has not been paid because it’s being processed, you make sure you report at your new place.”