7 Stage Of Love: Why Men Typically Change

1. That’s really just how he is on the inside.

Perhaps he’s really just that kind of guy. Maybe he’s just showing you what his true self is like and the past 6 months have been just an act of some sort.

2. He is bored with the relationship.

Maybe he’s just grown bored of the relationship that you have together. Maybe he’s desperate for something new and this relationship hasn’t really been giving him life anymore. Perhaps he’s no longer excited at the thought of being with you.

3. He thinks that he no longer has to be romantic with you.

He thinks that it’s just time for him to cool down a little bit. He doesn’t really feel the need to put effort into being romantic with you anymore because of how stable your relationship already is. He thinks that he can just sit back and relax as your relationship carries on into the future.

4. He has probably cheated on you.

Sometimes, a man will change how he acts in a relationship after engaging in acts of unfaithfulness and infidelity with you. It’s not rare to have someone change his behavior as a result of the guilt that he’s feeling from actually cheating in the relationship.

5. He has grown tired of arguing with you.

Remember that it’s a lot better to have a man who argues with you than a man who just always walks away. It means that he’s grown indifferent and that he’s no longer interested in engaging or communicating with you.

6. You don’t make him work for your love anymore.

He feels like everything in the relationship is already a given. He believes that you’re just going to continue to give him whatever he wants regardless of how he treats you. He knows that you’re madly in love with him and that he doesn’t really have to be doing anything to earn it anymore. That’s why his approach to being your boyfriend has changed dramatically.

7. His love for you has really started to fade.

Maybe he’s just not as in love with you as he once was. Perhaps his love for you has really started to fade and dissipate. If this is the case, you really have to try to get back to the foundations and roots of your relationship. Remind him of why he fell in love with you in the first place. And do whatever you can to make sure that his love for you not only stays but actually continues to grow throughout the stretch of your relationship.