Fmr. Miss Malaika Winner Hamamat Writes: After I Left My Marriage...

"After I left my marriage, my savings was not enough to sustain my daughters and I. 
Everything was gone in months and I was left with nothing but my children & my big dreams.

How did I go from modeling around the world & living lavish to having nothing?

I had nothing but passion. Passion to make sure I wasn’t in the same place the following year. I had a strong drive to move forward or at lest try.

So I found myself asking myself this question over and over again- “What do you have right now and how can you make the most of it?”

I had good health, I had the love & support of my children and I had an iPhone.

What could I possibly do with these?

The city life was getting too expensive for me and I was heart broken after my failed marriage & my ex had already moved on and started a family.

So I decided to go back home to my village for a visit. Everyone was so happy to see me because I hadn’t visited in years.I felt so loved - so much that I decided to capture moments and share on social media.

People I knew in the city called me names and laughed at my village videos.

It was tough but that was all I had.So I threw myself into my village. I dressed like everyone, ate what they ate, slept on a mat outside and under the moon and the stars just like everyone else and also made sheabutter with them.

Sheabutter has always been in my family so I didn’t think anything special of it. 
I recorded the process with my iphone and shared it on social media.
The next day, my video went viral with millions of hit and viewers wanting to buy my sheabutter. This was how Hamamat African Beauty was born.

Today our sheabutter is sold worldwide and we are currently at the #Africa economic forum.

I am not where I want to be yet but I am here in EGYPT to meet World leaders and show them my sheabutter.

To all the single mothers going through it . 
Yes it is tough. 
Yes it is painful. 
Yes you will cry, but never give up, never.