Northern Region Fulanis Cry Over Ghana Card Denial

The Fulani community in Ghana is unhappy over what according to it, is a deliberate policy by the National Identification Authority (NIA) to deny its members the opportunity of being registered for the Ghana Card.

According to the General Secretary of Tabital Pulaaku International Ghana, Yakubu Musah Barry, some officials of NIA and indigenes have been frustrating sections of Fulanis in some regions, particularly the Northern, Savanna and North East regions during the Ghana card registration process.

He said since the commencement of the exercise in the said regions, a sizeable number of members with proof of citizenship have reported to the leadership that they were turned away by the NIA officials and some indigenes at some notable registration centres.

Speaking at the 8th Annual Du’a (Prayer) of the Tabital Pulaaku International Ghana in Tamale, Yakubu Musah said leadership of the Fulani community had followed up the complaints to enquire why they were denied registration and even literally harassed by NIA officials and some indigenes.

He described the posture as a ploy to deny Fulanis the opportunity of being registered.

Mr. Yakubu asked Government to explain who a Ghanaian was and why the Fulanis were denied of their legitimate rights of registering for the Ghana card.

Hajia Samira Bawumia who spoke at the occasion as the guest of honor noted that, several concerns had been reported to her, concerning the denial of Fulanis to register for the Ghana card. She assured the concerned Fulanis that she would work towards resolving the issue.

The NIA Public Relations Officer Mr. Frances Palmdeti explained that the Authority sticked to the National Identity Register Act 750 and its amendments, adding that the law mandates the NIA to register persons who are Ghanaians and are of Age 15 and above.

According to him, anyone whose parents or grandparents were born in Ghana before August 1969 is a Ghanaian.

He added that, being a citizen of Ghana was by birth, adoption, registration and nationalization through the ministry of interior.

Mr. Frances stressed that, there were legitimate Ghanaian Fulanis and there were Fulanis who are not citizens of Ghana.

He asked Fulanis to have the NIA officials take them through the necessary processes for them to register if they possess all the needed documents.