FDA Moves A Step Further To Ensure Quality And Wholesome Consumption

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has held a meeting with the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Greater Accra Region as part of efforts to increase the quality of regulated products on the market.

It was observed that during the festive seasons, some people take advantage of the occasion to enrich themselves by offering for sale products whose safety and quality were compromised.

The meeting was held to discuss joint measures the FDA and the MMDAs would use to sanitise the conditions at the market places during and after the festive season and enforce the laws regulating the sale of the products.

The FDA indicated its readiness to collaborate with the MMDAs to ensure short- and long-term surveillance at the marketplaces, supermarkets, corner shops and all other retail outlets to check the status of products being sold to the consumer.

Mr Roderick Daddey Adjei, the Acting Head of Food Division at the FDA urged the MMDAs to join its efforts to inspect and rid the markets of all unwholesome and unregistered FDA regulated products.

He urged the MMDAs to pay critical attention to how waste products were handled in the market.

Mr Adjei said the Authority was poised to replicate similar meetings with all MMDAs in other regions to ensure the well-being of the public.

The representative from the MMDAs urged all stakeholders to play the watchdog role by reporting anyone they suspect to be doing anything contrary to the regulations of both the FDA and the MMDAs.

The FDA and the MMDAs agreed, among other things that as a first step, vendors and sellers should be educated to know why they should not sell food items on the market floor and also a common platform should be created to enable easy access and flow of information among stakeholders.

The two parties agreed to engage in consistent joint visits to the marketplace to ensure the safety of consumers of regulated products.