Body Of A Young Man Washed Ashore

The lifeless body of a 25-year-old man has been washed ashore at the Alan beach in Takoradi.

Identified as Carlos Dobge, the deceased’s body was found after some traditional rites were performed.

Carlos reportedly got drowned on Sunday morning at the same beach.

Recounting the incident on Connect FM’s Omanbapa morning show in Takoradi, a cousin of the deceased, Rosina, indicated that Carlos in the early hours of Sunday, met a friend who was going to the gym at beach road and decided to jog to the location with him.

At the beach, Carlos reportedly saw a young boy aged about 12 years drowning and attempted to rescue him. He however failed and got drowned with the boy in the process.

A marine police officer who was at the scene also tried unsuccessfully to rescue the two.

According to Rosina, they engaged a spiritualist to perform some rites before the body of Carlos was washed ashore on Tuesday, June 9, around 6:30 am.

“My brother still had his shirt and short on, whilst the colour of his body had changed a little”, she said.

Carlos Dogbe, was a former student of the Takoradi Technical Institute and a resident of Mexico Road in Takoradi.

The body of the 12-year-old has yet to be found.

Meanwhile Carlos’ body has been sent to the morgue at the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital, Sekondi.