Let Us Come Together To Promote Development In Zongos - Chief

Tribal chiefs and leaders in Zongo communities have been urged to brainstorm and come out with a comprehensive plan to develop Zongo communities.

Alhaji Usman Ahmed, Chief of the Fulani community in the Ashanti Region, who made the call, said it was time tribal leaders do away with parochial and sectional interest and come together to propose a master plan that would help promote the development of Zongo communities to political parties for implementation.

This, according to him, was the only way to stop the neglect of Zongos by successive governments.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Kumasi, Alhaji Ahmed, pointed out that the perceived divisions among tribal leaders and Imams in Zongo communities were the cause of neglect and abandonment of the Zongo communities over the years.

Alhaji Ahmed, who was reacting to the alleged recent tribal and political divisions amongst Zongo Chiefs and Imams in the Kumasi metropolis, said the perceived divisions had affected the development and improvement of the living conditions of the people in Zongo communities.

“As tribal heads and Imams, our main focus should be the promotion of a development agenda that will help elevate our people from their present state of hopelessness and despair particularly among the youth, to a more secured and bright future for our people”, he emphasized.

Alhaji Ahmed explained that tribal heads had the task of designing and supporting ideas that would help create jobs for the people in their communities, rather than seeking for political recognition and affiliations.

He said Zongo communities had brilliant and learned individuals who had the development of their communities at heart and were prepared to lead in coming out with ideas and suggestions that would propel Zongo communities to first-class societies.

What was needed was the initiative by tribal leaders to come together and forge a united front to present the Zongo development agenda to force governments to implement to help improve the living conditions in Zongo communities.