Kwesi Pratt Warns COVID-19 Vaccine 'Doomsayers'

Seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt Jnr. has advised Ghanaians spreading negative information about the COVID-19 vaccines to stop such attitude.

Kwesi Pratt expressed worry over what some people have decided to discourage themselves and others from taking the vaccines, even before they arrive on the shores of Ghana.

Citing some of the negative rumors as some people claiming the vaccines are means by which the whites use to extinguish Africans, he questioned the logic in such statements.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, in one of his COVID-19 nation addresses, informed Ghanaians that the government is making preparations for the vaccines.

The President revealed the vaccines will be in Ghana by March this year and estimated about 17 million vaccines to be in the country by June 2021.

Mr. Pratt is therefore cautioning the naysayers to stop spreading falsehood and misconceptions about the vaccines because there is no remedy for the disease other than the vaccines.

"If you don't go for the vaccination, what will you do? If you don't vaccinate, what's the alternative?" he queried.

Mr. Pratt urged Ghanaians to welcome the vaccines when they are finally procured by the government.

He made these submissions on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo".