Easter Holidays: The Beach Is A 'No-Go Area' - G/A Minister Warns Ghanaians

The Greater Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey, has warned Ghanaians, particularly residents in the Region, not to step a foot at the beach during the Easter holidays.

Speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' programme, Henry Quartey advised Ghanaians and owners of facilities along the beaches to obey the directives of the President against the spread of the Coronavirus.

He revealed he has charged the Police to crack the whip on any person who decides to be stubborn.

He said persons who will be found at the various beaches will be punished by the Police.

To the disobedient Ghanaians, Henry Quartey stressed, "Those who will be too recalcitrant, we will have to allow the law to deal with them . . . It's (the beach) a no-go area and nobody should call me . . . When we catch you at the beach, you want to come to the beach, so we will give you the opportunity to enjoy what is at the beach".

To the owners of the beach facilities, the Minister said; ''If they fail to adhere these simple instructions and directives from the President, I will instruct the Tourism Ministry to close them down and I say this without any reservations at all".