Ejura Killing: The Soldiers Were Extremely Unprofessional - Atik Mohammed

Atik Mohammed has condemned the Military/Police shooting incident that occurred at Ejura on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 involving them and residents in the community.

Some residents embarked on a protest demanding justice for an activist and resident in the area, Ibrahim Mohammed alias 'Kaaka', who died as a result of a mob assault.

A combined team of soldiers and Police personnel deployed to mitigate the tension in the community, upon arrival, fired gunshots into the protesters killing two and leaving four seriously injured.

Addressing the issue during a discussion on Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'', Atik Mohammed labeled the security forces' action as an extreme act of unprofessionalism.

He wondered why the soldiers decided to fire live bullets into the protesters stressing, "I do not see how they (protesters) posed so much of a threat as to have invited live shots".

To Atik, deploying the Military to the community was a wrong move because the soldiers are trained for combat not crowd control.

"How can protesting against the loss of one life result(s) in the loss of two more? It doesn't just make sense," he fumed.

He held that the Police should have led the operation at Ejura. 

"I don't think that crowd control is so much a responsibility for the Police to handle. But they have demonstrated by several examples that they are not good at crowd control and that calls into question the very architecture of our security, in fact of our Police administration in this country. We do not have crowd control experts.

"That's why I earlier said this is the job of the Police, but if you consign that responsibility to other body whose job is different, as for them, like you said; their training even directs them that, when they're invited and have to shoot, they're not shooting to maim you. They're shooting to permanently disable you and by saying permanently disable you, I mean to finish you and you invite those people and gave them rather the lead role. What happened is what definitely would happen . . . As for me, it's an unfortunate incident," he expressed his disappointments.

He advised the Police to set up a department dedicated for crowd control or train officers with the necessary skills to de-escalate a crowd-related situation.