A Child On The Street Today Is A Risk For Us Tomorrow - Dr. Okoe Boye Tells Gov't

Former Deputy Health Minister, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye has called on government to rid the streets of children as it is very risky for them to be begging in the streets.

Speaking on Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'', Dr. Okoe Boye narrated a worrying situation of finding children living in the streets and engaging in menial income.

He expressed disgust that the street children would swamp vehicles begging for alms ignoring the dangers associated with streetism.

To him, government must take up the challenge of getting the children off the streets and find ways to resource their families so they don't return to the streets.

He also appealed that there should be a place instituted for the collection of money to cater for these kids.

''We can get these children off the streets. Now, the problem is that a child on the street today is a risk to all of us tomorrow but we can turn the threats of tomorrow into opportunities. We must wake up and take these things head-on. This is God's business. A country has a soul not only the body. The soul is reflected in what we do to reach out to those who are obviously and openly vulnerable. These kids cannot be sitting on the streets, coming to the cars...'', he insisted.