Maame Tiwaa Holds First EOCO Meeting With UN Agencies

A delegation from UN Agencies in Ghana paid a courtesy call on the Executive Director and Management of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) on Tuesday 18th January, 2022.

The Delegation was led by Charles Abani, UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana. He affirmed the preparedness of the UN resident and non-resident agencies to support EOCO under the leadership of COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah (Mrs.) to achieve its mandate.

COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah (Mrs.) welcomed the members of the delegation and assured them of EOCO’s readiness to partner them in creating a strong institution that will effectively deliver on its mandate.

The Executive Director acknowledged support that has been received in the past especially from the UNODC, and called for bespoke training for the staff of the office, going forward.

Anne-Claire Dufay, UNICEF Representative in Ghana in her remarks stated that the priority of the UN is to strengthen systems and institutions and the resilience of young people. She added that the UN would support a strong framework to combat money laundering, cybercrime and human trafficking and other issues within EOCO’s mandate.

The delegation commended the Office for all its efforts in the fight against economic and financial crimes in concert with sister agencies.