Ghana Post MD Shares Gifts On VALS DAY; Seeks Partnership With Gov’t Institutions, Agencies

The quest to uplift the image of Ghana Post Company Limited by building a solid brand of reliability and further turnaround the fortunes of Ghana’s premier postal service has been given a major boost through the hardworking efforts of the Acting Managing Director, Mr. Bice Osei Kuffour.

Within this short period of his appointment from January 4th 2022, Mr. Osei Kuffour has demonstrated, dedicated himself to the true meaning of hitting the grounds running by making critical moves to advance the success and progress of the company.

In this new direction, the Ghana Post Company MD is seeking to partner with various government institutions, agencies, and Metropolitan District and Municipal Assemblies (MMDAs) among others to boost particularly the revamped Motorbike Delivery Services by the Ghana Post within the courier industry.

The company currently boasts of 350 delivery outlets nationwide. It is against this backdrop that the Ghana Post MD himself on St. Valentine’s Day 14th February 2022 led a team of officials from his outfit to show love by presenting gifts to some heads of state institutions and further used the opportunity to interact and explore business partnerships on behalf of Ghana Post.

The Ghana Post MD, Bice Osei Kuffour, Chief Post Master General rode motorbike himself to present gifts of love during in some selected state institutions and agencies.

This also came on the back of a Valentine’s Day Special Delivery Promo launched by Ghana Post dubbed ‘Vals On Wheels’ which started running from 13th February and is expected to end today 15th February 2022. ‘Vals On Wheels’ enabled shoppers, families, and loved ones to express their love where individuals and vendors are to contact a dedicated number and request pickup through the customer service operatives for a fee of GHC20.

He visited institutions like the Ghana Police Service, where he interacted with the IGP, Dr. Akuffo Dampare, the Judiciary where he had fruitful discussions with the Chief Justice His Lordship Justice Anin-Yeboah concerning collaboration, Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Information, Office of the President among others.

The Ghana Post MD’s call on the Chief Justice brought to light the urgent need for the Ghana Post to collaborate with the judiciary to deliver sensitive and highly confidential appeal court documents and stationery from Kumasi, Ashanti region and parts of the Eastern region to Accra and other destinations as well.

His Lordship Justice Anin-Yeboah saw this as the opportune time for the judiciary to partner with Ghana Post.

“When we are bringing our records of appeal to Accra, they are a bit bulky and some come in large volumes so we always have to drive straight from Kumasi to Accra so let’s see whether we can work things out with Ghana Post to save us from the head and tail of driving down from Kumasi even the risk that is involved is not the best and the confidentiality associated with it,” his Lordship stated.

The Ghana Post MD on his part thanked the Chief Justice for granting his delegation the necessary audience. He added, “currently at Ghana Post our EMS has been more energized with more resources so that anywhere in Accra, anywhere within 24 hours, Kumasi within 24-hours, anywhere after Kumasi even in the North where we do 72 hours.”

At the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the Commissioner-General, Rev. Amishaddai Owusu-Amoah welcomed the team and expressed his readiness to partner with Ghana Post. “I also want to start by congratulating you on your appointment and also wishing you all the best as you try to put in place various initiatives,” the GRA Boss emphasised. He appealed to Ghana Post to help explore the digitalization of the tax regime to make it easier for people to just walk to Ghana Post offices and through the assistance of trained staff help the public to file their taxes online.

At the Ministry of Information, the Minister Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah welcomed the team. On his part, the Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah commended Mr. Osei Kuffour for his enthusiasm and commitment in helping to carve a new phase of the Ghana Post Company within such a short period. He added “I have come across a lot advertising of your quick link and your delivery service even as we get ready to commemorate Chocolate Day on Vals Day and I imagine is the semblance of the broader resurgence of the various products and services of the Ghana Post.

In fact, we were so impressed to the extent in fact, I’ve not told you that we actually through our commercial relations requested for the services of your organisation today to deliver a number of our parcels for us. So earlier today we had one of your officers and some of your officials and members of your team here to dispatch about 100 parcels going out today. We are very confident that at the end of the day we will get good feedbacks from the people who wrote to us that we spread the love with them.”

At the ministry of communications, the sector minister was overwhelmed with the gesture and aggressive marketing approach by the MD. Hon Ursula Owusu charged the team at Ghana Post to serve Ghanaians with expedite service.