Ghana Beverages Awards 2021: Voting Begins As Industry Tour Ends

Following the closure of nominations and an eventful beverage industry tour, Global Media Alliance, organizers of the prestigious Ghana Beverage Awards, have officially opened the polls for voting for the most coveted award category, ‘Product of the Year’.

The voting exercise scheduled from March 1st to 18th this year would provide the opportunity for beverage companies and individuals to vote for their favorite product to emerge the ultimate winner.

The product of the year category features beverages such as Coca Cola, Verna Natural Mineral Water, Alomo Bitters, Bel Aqua Active, Blue skies Fruit Juice and Vitamilk.

Speaking, Chief Executive Officer for Global Media Alliance, Ernest Boateng, lauded the GBA Secretariat for a successful industry tour.

“I must commend  the GBA  Committee for  visiting the  various companies during the Industry Tour to properly access the information which was provided by the companies upon the submission of their entries and also  to familiarize themselves with their production processes. Undoubtedly, this tour plays a critical role in the selection of winners for the 18 keenly-contested categories,” he said.

He further spelt out the voting modalities whiles urging the general public to vote massively for their favourite product in the category.

“We have now officially opened the polls to allow the public to vote for their favourite beverage product. Individuals and beverage companies can cast their vote for their favourite product in the Product of the Year category via the GBA website which is or via the USSD code *711*101# across all networks.

Since the introduction of the process of voting as part of the processes for adjudging the ultimate winner, we have witnessed a year on year increase in the number of votes accrued by the ultimate winner. It is on the back of this that we are urging individuals and the beverage companies to vote massively for their preferred product in this category,” he stated.

Ghana Beverages Awards, currently in its sixth year, is organized under the theme “Inspiring Excellence in Ghana’s Beverage Industry.” Since inception, it has championed the cause of increasing local beverage consumption whiles promoting the highest standards  of practice within the beverage industry.

GBA is proudly supported by the Food and Beverage Association of Ghana (FABAG), Consumer Protection Agency (CPA), Food Research Institute (FRI) under CSIR, Perception Management International (PMI),Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture and the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA).It is partnered by  Citi FM, Happy FM, YFM, Akonoba FM, Neesim FM Bolga, Neesim FM Tamale, eTV Ghana, Business and Financial Times, Daily Guide and Ghanaweb on the media front.