Chief Allegedly Commits Suicide

A 76-year-old Chief and Pastor of the Apostolic Resurrection Society Church at Assin Brofoyedru in the Central Region has hanged himself in a bush.

The deceased is said to have left for farm on Tuesday but did not return home.

Upon a search, he was found hanging on a tree on his farm.

Speaking in an interview with EIB Network Central Regional Correspondent, Yaw Boagyan, the Abusuapanin of the Bretuo Clan in Assin Brofoyedru, Johnson Oduro said the Chief cum pastor did not complain about any problem and not having any issue with anyone, hence he taking his life has come as a great shock.

Residents who described the deceased as a friendly and peaceful person are mourning his death.

Meanwhile, the Assin Foso Police Command has deposited the body of the deceased at the St Francis Xavier hospital Mortuary.