Akyem Abuakwa State Bares Teeth At Koans Estate Boss


The Ofori Panin Fie has found it necessary to issue a response with regards to issues raised and widely circulated in the media by a certain Kofi Anokye who claims to be an estate developer and owner of Koans Building Solutions Co. Ltd.

This relates directly to lands around Nsawam Adoagyiri, Panpanso, Kyekyewere which he claims to have acquired of several thousands of acres from a certain Quansah and Mankata families of Accra.

Despite several requests, the Quansah and Mankata families have failed to produce evidence of ownership and acquisition, and further appearing before the Ofori-Panin Fie had the audacity with the complicity of Kofi Anokye to present fictitious documents as purported proof of ownership.

in a related development of urgent significance Kofi Anokye attempted to alienate One thousand (1000) acres of the said lands to the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), and received payments.

However further payments was later aborted by the current Council and Management of GIMPA. The earlier payments despite written protests by the Ofori-Panin Fie were surprisingly honoured.

Kofi Anokye, we believe has compromised certain officials of the Land Commission. He had obtained Land title certificates at the blind side of the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council.

The Ofori-Panin Fie does not wish to believe that Kofi Anokye had combined with certain quarters of the immediate past Administration for his schemes and to ensure payments from GIMPA in violation of established customary protocols and laws.

To add salt to injury, Mr. Kofi Anokye at a press briefing which has provoked this response, stated that the land in question has been sold by Chiefs under the watch of Nana Sir Ofori-Atta of blessed memory without providing any evidence and further called on the Okyenhene to learn from the 'wisdom' of Nana Sir OforiAtta and submit to unlawful compromise for his private gain in contravention of the law and right practice.

The Ofori Panin Fie is glad to note that the Court of Appeal sitting in Koforidua has overturned a Summary Judgement giving in favour of Mr. Kofi Anokye by the High Court against GIMPA. Apparently he failed to deliver a vacant possession as required by the terms of the agreement with GIMPA.

Upon the above the Ofori Panin Fie wants to make the following clarifications:

1.   That the system of family ownership of land is unknown to Akyem Abuakwa customs and usages. The rights of families are limited to usufructuary interest and not right of alienation.

2.   That all lands in Akyem Abuakwa except those acquired by the State through compulsory acquisition remains stool lands.

3.   That the Okyenhene is the immemorial allodial owner of all Stool lands in Akyem Abuakwa. In effect, there can be no valid alienation of any piece or portion of Akyem Abuakwa Stool lands without His consent and concurrence.

Further to the above the Ofori Panin Fie finds it appropriate to make the following demands:

1.    That the general public particularly estate developers must adhere to established and appropriate customary procedures in land acquisition in their own interest.

2.    That the Lands Commission takes a critical review of the irregularities at its secretariat with respect to fake documents acquired by unscrupulous persons and take the necessary action to restore its integrity and amends its records in relation to the lands unlawfully acquired in Akyem Abuakwa.

3.    That all persons dealing with Mr. Kofi Anokye in relation to the lands mentioned supra do so at their own risk.

4.    That the police should take the necessary action to prevent Mr. Anokye from defrauding the public and to halt hirn from trespassing on Akyem Abuakwa Lands.

5.    The Okyenhene expresses seriousness to this matter as an example of the growing menace of the Land theft of which the Eastern portion of Akyem Abuakwa has become a unique and ugly spectacle due to open ended expansion of Accra.

6.    The Osagyefuo will not abdicate from his sworn customary obligation to protect Akyem Abuakwa Stool Lands from the outskirts of Nsawam Adoagyiri to ends of Jejeti.