Daily Minimum Wage Increased To GH¢14.88…TUC Applauds Gov’t

Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffuor Awuah has announced that the national daily minimum wage has been increased from GH¢13.53 in 2022 to GH¢14.88 pesewas for the year 2023.

This follows a marathon meeting between the tripartite partners, Organized Labour, the Ghana Employers Association and government on the determination of the national daily minimum wage for 2023 since Monday November 14, 2022.

But speaking at a press conference in Accra on Wednesday November 16, 2022 the minister disclosed that, the national tripartite committee concluded the negotiations and “we think this is the best time to communicate to Ghanaians on the outcome of the negotiations.”

The committee, he said, took into account the current economic challenges, cost of living, sustainability of businesses and desirability of attaining higher levels of employment.

“The committee concluded on the need to increase the national daily minimum wage by 10 per cent over the 2022 national daily minimum wage which translates into new national daily minimum wage of GH¢14.88 pesewas and a cost of living allowance of 15 per cent over the 2023 national daily minimum wage.

“The effective date for the implementation of the 2023 national daily minimum wage shall be 1st January 2023.

“All establishments, institutions, organizations whose daily minimum wages are below the new rate should adjust accordingly effective 1st January 2023,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary-General of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah has welcomed the new minimum wage agreed upon by the national tripartite committee.

He expressed optimism that the new rate will support workers in these difficult economic times they find themselves.

“We know that this will cushion workers a little bit. This is the time we need this. So from 2023 as we expect better times, we hope that this will cushion the workers further,” Dr Yaw Baah told journalists in Accra on Wednesday November 16.