There’ll Be Furious Reactions If Ablakwa Is Treated Unjustly – Volta Regional NDC Warns

The Volta Regional Caucus of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has sent a strong caution to the government ahead of the appearance of its Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa in court on February 21, 2023.

The MP has been sued by the Secretary of the National Cathedral, Reverend Victor Kusi Boateng citing several publications and allegations of impropriety the lawmaker has leveled against him.

According to the Volta Caucus of the NDC, the entire case is an attempt by the government to gag and witchhunt their legislative representative.

In a statement signed by the party’s regional communication officer, Sorkpa Agbleze, the NDC has warned that the government would be held responsible if the North Tongu MP is treated unjustly.

“We intensely call on this government not to embarrass this nation further by doing anything untoward to Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa because currently its popularity is extremely low and that burning desire for the ordinary Ghanaian to vent their anger is ubiquitous.

“We want to loudly and clearly once again warn that should anything unjust happen to Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa in his bid to heed the invitation to appear in court on 21st February, there certainly will be a furious spark of reactions, not only in the Volta Region, but across the Country”, portions of the statement read.

Supporters of the NDC in North Tongu have also backed their leaders and warned that they will not take lightly any harm done to their MP.

According to them, there is an attempt by the government to heckle the MP over his quest to hold the government accountable and fight corruption.