Mahama Turns Prophet

Former President John Dramani Mahama says God has been visiting him lately assuming him of victory.

He says God has shown him vision that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) will emerge victorious in the 2024 general elections.

According to him, God said he has given him power to be President in 2024 and that is the will of God.

Speaking to delegates of the NDC in Okere in the Eastern Region on Tuesday, April 11, Mr. Mahama who is on 3-day campaign tour of the Eastern region prophesied that “By God’s grace we have the experience, we didn’t buy it in the store, we didn’t learn it in school, it is God who gave us the opportunity to gather that experience.”

He continued that “Don’t worry about what some people are saying, it is God’s will, I attend church and when I pray God speaks to me and God has said this is the time for NDC, he has given us power. If God decides no one can change it. Let us continue to pray and trust that what has been arranged will come to pass.”

He further told all Parliamentary candidate hopefuls of the NDC to engage in a decent campaign.

“Let us not resort to insult because we are one family, this is one party, we are looking for one thing, power.

“Let us support whoever will be elected parliamentary candidate and when your time comes you will also be supported.

“It is not only the MP that we have, if we come to power we have board chairmen, we have Ambassadors, DCEs, and a lot of appointments and so if you don’t become an MP you will get an appointment.

“So let us keep the campaign decent and when one person has emerged let us all support that person and let the party come to power,” he said.

On the aspect of jobs for members of his party, he told them that if the party comes to power, there are several appointments to be done including Board Chairmanship, District Chief Executive (DCEs) and Ambassador appointments which eventual failed Parliament Candidate hopefuls can benefit from.

He said: “Let us not resort to insult because we are one family, this is one party, we are looking for one thing, power.

“Let us support whoever will be elected parliamentary candidate and when your time comes you will also be supported.

“It is not only the MP that we have, if we come to power we have board chairmen, we have Ambassadors, DCEs, and a lot of appointments and so if you don’t become an MP you will get an appointment.

“So let us keep the campaign decent and when one person has emerged let us all support that person and let the party come to power.”