Duffuor Condemns NPP For Neglecting Major Roads

An aspiring presidential candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Kwabena Duffuor has condemned the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) for neglecting major roads in the North East Region.
Duffuor said the NPP government has borrowed extensively but failed to meet the needs of Ghanaians including roads and other pressing issues in the country.
He was addressing delegates of the party in Bunkpurugu. He stated that the people in the area are treated like they are not Ghanaians under the NPP government.
He said, “now, we all know that the economy is in a big mess. There are no jobs, but they have taken so many loans. So today, when we were coming on this road, I was asking myself, what else have they used the money for? Are we [residents of the area] not part of Ghana?
“How come the roads are so bad yet you owe… To be able to manage the economy well, you need a strong party; a party that is sincere… for the people. That party is the NDC.”
Duffuor stated that the NDC is a human-centered party that cares for the poor and the vulnerable. He urged the residents to rally behind the party to reclaim power in 2024.
He said, “the NDC thinks about people. It is a human-centered party that thinks about the poor people.”
Call for unity
Duffuor urged the delegates in Walewale to stay united and desist from using intemperate language that will bring division in the party.
His two-day visit to the region, which began on 13 April, was received with a rousing welcome from delegates as he toured five of the six constituencies in the region.
The campaign tour began from Walewale, through Nalerigu, Chereponi, Bunkpurugu and ended in Yunyoo.
Duffuor will visit the Yagaba-Kubori constituency on his next visit to the region before the primaries on 13 May.