Akufo-Addo Has Collapsed The Cocoa Sector – Mahama Fires

Aspiring National Democratic Congress (NDC) Presidential Candidate, John Dramani Mahama says the country’s cocoa sector is on the verge of collapse because of the mismanagement of the ruling government.

Addressing party supporters and branch executives at the start of a two-day campaign tour of the Western North Region, Mr. Mahama said: "Under the previous NDC administration, we ensured that there was an upward adjustment in the producer price every year. But that is not the case with this government. Price adjustments are taking place after four years. This is what is collapsing the sector"

Mr. Mahama says the sector must be supported, noting that some farmers no longer find farming cocoa lucrative.

The former president is visiting all nine constituencies in the region and is expected to continue to the Ashanti Region.