Galamsey Report: Up Your Game or Resign! - Kojo Oppong Nkrumah Told

James Kwabena Bomfeh, popularly called 'Kabila', has asked the Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah to up his game or resign.

Speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' show in relation to Professor Frimpong-Boateng's report, Mr. Kwabena Bomfeh expressed utter disappointment in the work by the Information Minister.

He wondered if Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has become tired of his job.

"My brother, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, up your game! If you think you are tired and can't work to help the President, nothing stops you from resigning. If it overwhelms you, resign," he exclaimed.

Kabila made this emphatic statement as he felt the Minister and other government officials are not working hard enough to help the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's vision.

Professor Frimpong-Boateng's Report

According to a report by Prof. Frimpong-Boateng, some officials at the Jubilee House and in government are deeply involved in the illegal mining menace.

“Throughout our struggle with illegalities in the small-scale mining sector, what baffled me was the total disregard of the President’s commitment to protect the environment. I can state without any equivocation that many party officials from the National to the unit committee level had their friends, PAs, agents, relatives, financiers or relatives engaged in illegal mining.

“Most of them engaged Chinese working for them. I am not referring to party people who had their legitimate concession and were mining sustainably as they were instructed to do. There are appointees in the Jubilee House that are doing or supporting illegal mining or interfering with the fight against the menace,” parts of the report said.

Also, Professor Frimpong Boateng accused a former NPP Member of Parliament of using his position as a member of the Minerals Commission to acquire dozens of large-scale concessions in his district, ostensibly for community mining purposes but only for him to end up selling these concessions to private individuals for GHC 200000 per concession.

“This infuriated the party in the constituency so during the 2020 primaries to select a candidate the electorate voted against the sitting MP, who was more resourced than other candidates. Although there were allegations that he “camped” delegates and attempted to bribe them, he lost to a lesser known individual who did not have any financial muscle”, the report read.

Presidency's Reply

But a statement from the Presidency says "the allegations contained in the document are at best hearsay".

" must be pointed out that the document being discussed was not an official report formally delivered to the Office of the President. On the contrary, it can only be rightly referred to as a catalogue of personal grievances and claims made by Prof. Frimpong-Boateng, intended to respond to some issues he faced as Chairperson of the IMCIM.

"It is important also to point out that, whilst Prof. Frimpong-Boateng makes serious allegations against some government appointees, as having been involved in, supporting or interfering with the fight against illegal mining, not a single piece of evidence was adduced or presented to enable the claims to be properly investigated", the Presidency posted on its website.