NDC Is The Reason Why Gov’t Cannot Fight Galamsey – Dennis Miracles

Dennis Miracles Aboagye, the Director of Local Government Services at the Office of the President, says it is difficult for the Akufo-Addo government to win the fight against galamsey because of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, while the President is committed to end this menace, some members of the NDC are busily giving assurances to the illegal miners in exchange for their votes.

This, he noted, is the major disincentive to eradicating galamsey in the country.

"There is only one thing that we need to finish the galamsey fight; the NDC should stop going to the galamsey site and encouraging them to mine and they should stop promising them that when they come, they will let them do galamsey. If the NDC stops this, we will win the fight," he told Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' morning show.

Dennis Miracles rebuked the NDC saying, "they should spare us the rant. They introduced the kind of galamsey we have today. They introduced the fight against galamsey and they couldn't fight it. They should give us the room".