NDC Primaries: Error-ridden Voters' Register Is To Undermine Dr. Duffour - Allotey Jacobs Claims

Former Central Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Bernard Allotey Jacobs says the errors in the NDC photo album are engineered to undermine Dr. Kwabena Duffour, a former Finance Minister and a Presidential aspirant of the party.

The NDC's primaries is scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 2023 but Dr. Duffour and his campaign team want it postponed.

According to them, the register for the elections is incomplete and inaccurate due to some discrepancies they have discovered in it.

The campaign team argues that going into an election with such a register will cause irreparable damage to their flagbearer hopeful, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor.

Analyzing the latest developments in the NDC, Allotey Jacobs held that "the purpose of this electoral album was to undermine Dr. Kwabena Duffour".

According to him, this is a game by some individuals in the NDC and Dr. Duffour has become a perfect victim of their trap.

"They played the game in perfection. They are done with him . . . they have set the plan perfectly to finish him completely."

Allotey Jacobs stated categorically that, despite the petition by Dr. Duffour for the primaries to be postponed, "the elections will come on on Saturday. They don't care about any contempt. That is the NDC for you. It is most unfortunate".

He further concluded that the NDC's "flagbearership is a one-way traffic" and will not change for Dr. Duffour.

Three Presidential hopefuls, former President John Dramani Mahama, former KMA Mayor, Kojo Bonsu and Dr. Kwabena Duffour will be contesting the party's presidential race.

However, it's become clearly obvious that the candidate to win the primaries is Mr. John Mahama.