Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Pulls Out Of The NDC Flagbearership Race.

One of the three presidential aspirants of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Dr Kwabena Duffour has withdrawn from contesting.

According to him,  the party is not ready to conduct a free and fair election.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, the Former Finance Minister said: “As at this time, the party has begun distributing the ballot papers to the various regions and constituencies without our involvement. I wish to reiterate my commitment to the party and grassroots, however, my concerns that the party is not ready to conduct free and fair elections is evident for all of us to see” Dr Duffour said.

“Taking part in such an event will be akin to knowingly drinking from a poisoned calabash. After consulting with my support base nationwide, I have been left with no choice but to withdraw as I cannot contest in an election blatantly flawed with irregularities regardless of all my effort to draw attention to the same” he added.


Earlier in the Dr. Kwabena Duffuor withdrew his suit against the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

As announced by Peace FM morning show host, Kwami Sefa Kayi on 'Kokrokoo', Friday morning, the former Finance Minister has accepted to resolve the case out of court with the party.