NPP UK 'Falls' For Bawumia After Rousing Address In London

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was the toast of NPP faithful in London at the party's International Women's Conference held over the weekend.

Dr. Bawumia was the Special Guest, who delivered the keynote address, and characteristically, he delivered a rousing speech which kept the audience, largely members of the NPP in the United Kingdom, excited throughout.

With the country's economy suffering from the twin global factors of covid-19 and the Russia Ukraine war and the opposition NDC taking advantage of the situation to downplay the government’s record, Vice President Bawumia themed his address in defence of the party, presenting achievements he called "the monumental achievements" of the Akufo-Addo government.

In a typical Dr. Bawumia fashion, he listed projects, initiatives, policies and successes in every sector under the government including the economy and highlighted how all indicators were on the upward curve prior to the global economic recession three years ago.

Dr. Bawumia started his address by going down memory lane to remind all and sundry of the situation of the country in 2016 and the numerous challenges and problems the Akufo-Addo government inherited from Mahama-led NDC after it was booted out of office.

In a tall list of inherited problems, which he said, the NPP government has either fixed or improved, Dr. Bawumia reminded the gathering how there were "high unemployment, dumsor for 4 years, a virtually collapsed national health insurance system, a nearly collapsed national ambulance system, freeze on public sector employment, an almost collapsed banking sector, maassive annual increases in utility bills, poor economic indicators, low agricultural growth, low industry growth, cancellation of teacher and nursing training allowances as well as a huge burden of paying $1billion dollars annually for a take-or-pay excess energy capacity deal negotiated by the NDC".

After this, Dr. Bawumia presented a list of programmes, projects and policies in every sector the NPP government has implemented to address the challenges it inherited by enumerating several government’s achievements in education, health, agriculture, industries, security, energy and digitalization.

With NPP flagbearership hopeful and former Trade Minister Alan Kyerematen, having publicly indicated the NPP does not have a message going into next year's elections, some NPP faithful, might have been downbeat but Bawumia’s reinvigorating address in London was quick to remind the NPP fraternity not to "let anyone deceive them that we don’t have a message".

That statement attracted wild cheers in an emphatic endorsement of the Vice President's message.

But the most thunderous applause of the day came after Dr. Bawumia thanked President Akufo-Addo for the privilege of allowing him, as Vice President, to spearhead many of the government’s acclaimed policies including the government's digitization drive, One Constituency One Ambulance, special development initiatives, medical drone delivery, Bank of Ghana's gold purchase policy, gold for oil policy, Agenda 111 initiative among others.

As Dr. Bawumia continued his presentation, the audience sparked into wild cheers with a rendition of the popular triumphant twi song "Onyame bohye no aba mu awie" meaning "God's promise has already come true" which is to indicate their support of the victory of Dr. Bawumia in the upcoming Presidential race.