"It Is Possible"- Bawumia Files Flagbearer Nomination Forms With Hundreds Of NPP Supporters

Hundreds of supporters of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) have this morning besieged the national headquarters of the party at Asylum Down in Accra to solidarise with the Vice-President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who is filing his nomination as a contestant for the flagbearer slot of the party.

Wearing party T shirts with images of Dr Bawumia and the inscription "it is possible", and other party paraphernalia, the NPP faithful comprising both the young and old danced to loud music on the streets at the precinct of the national headquarters of the party.
Others have also converged on the headquarters dancing.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and his wife arrived at the venue before 11am.

Graphic Online's Chris Nunoo reports that the atmosphere was charged as some civilian security manning the entrance to the main party office were having a tough time dealing with anxious media practitioners and party supporters who wanted to enter the building to observe proceedings.