Mammoth Crowd Greets Bawumia As He Files For Presidential Nomination

There was pandemonium at the NPP Headquarters in Accra as Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia filed and submitted his nomination forms today to contest the NPP Flagbearership for the 2024 elections.

Tens of thousands of NPP supporters and Bawumia enthusiasts trooped into the Headquarters early in the morning with many lining up the streets in Asylum Down where the NPP Headquarters is situated amidst singing, chanting and dancing as they awaited the arrival of the Vice President for the historic moment.

As Dr. Bawumia arrived and his wife, Samira, arrived in a bus with a powerful entourage including about 120 NPP Members of Parliament, the entourage had a difficult time walking through the milling crowd to get inside the party office for the filing.

The ecstatic crowd consisting the young and old and, clad in NPP paraphernalia, made it virtually impossible for the Vice President to walk through to file his nomination to contest the flagbearer race.

It took his security detail and other security personnel present to help, although not without struggle, to get the charged crowd to pave way for Dr. Bawumia and his wife.

He was cheered on with songs of endorsement and appreciation of his work for the party and government as he walked slowly into the party Headquarters.

As the Vice President arrived at the headquarters, he had another hard time before he could meet the party officials for the filing and submission of his nomination form and as he was successfully going through the process, the party supporters continued to sing songs in support of him.

After submitting his form, Dr. Bawumia mounted a podium to address the mammoth crowd and announced his vision for the country when he becomes President of Ghana.

Before outlining his policies, he took the crowd through his life journey, telling them his humbling experience as a school boy in Moshie Zongo in Tamale, as a cleaner in school and a cab driver abroad.

He also told the crowd how he has been honest, dedicated and worked very hard for the NPP and government, listing a number of policy initiatives he has helped to implement as Vice President.