Assin North By-election: Gyakye Quayson Is NDC's Best Bet - Atik Mohammed

Atik Mohammed has given the opposition National Democratic Congress a pat on the back for selecting Mr. James Gyakye Quayson to contest the Assin North by-election despite his status as Member of Parliament being revoked by Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court ruled against Mr. Gyakye Quayson following a petition that challenged the legitimacy of his election into Parliament after complaints that he held dual citizenship.

However, the NDC is presenting the deposed MP to contest the seat again.

Speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning programme, Atik Mohammed opined that NDC isn't "wrong in choosing Mr. Gyakye Quayson if you are politically conscious".

To him, sending Gyakye Quayson back into the contest is the right decision because it would be a very difficult task for the party to market a new candidate to the electorates.

"You choose a candidate who will help you to win elections and so far I don't see any candidate who'd outperform Gyakye Quayson for the NDC because you are now going to pick a new candidate and market the person and remember you are in opposition. Marketing an opposition candidate is difficult and I can tell you this from experience," he stated.