I Want To Be President But I Won’t Kill Someone For It - Muntaka

The Member of Parliament for the Asawase, Ibrahim Muntaka Mubarak, has stated his ambition of becoming the president of the Republic of Ghana.

Speaking in an interview on JoyNews, on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, which was monitored by GhanaWeb, the former minority chief whip said that he has all the competencies to lead the country, which is proven by his track record.

He added that every politician must aspire for top positions and should not limit themselves.

“You can’t be a politician and say that as for me the top-notch, I never want it in my life. But it is not something that I’m going to kill somebody to become.

“I have been a politician. I have served very well; I have all the credentials that it takes. I have distinguished myself to the best that I can and I want to believe that if the opportunity avails itself, why not? I will. I will be a contender and I will do that forcefully,” he said.

Asked about the possibility of becoming the ruling mate of the presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, the MP said that the best choice would be a purely Akan person.

He explained that even though he has lived in the Ashanti Region all his life if the running mate of Mahama is to be from the region, the person must be an Akan.