In Every Election, The 'Loudmouths' Are Those Who Lose - Dennis Miracles Replies Bawumia's Critics

Dennis Miracles has thrown shade at the presidential aspirants of his political party, the New Patriotic Party, who are making complaints about their competitors while they await the party primaries to be held in November this year.

The Director of Local Government Services at the Office of the President wondered why some aspirants are expending their energies attacking a particular candidate whereas that candidate is busily working to win the presidential primary.

Although he declined to mention specific name(s), it was however obvious that Dennis Miracles was referring to the aspirants attacking Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in an attempt to discredit him before the delegates.

It could be recalled that recently Mr. Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, one of the aspirants, in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" spoke passionately against the Vice President.

" . . Dr. Bawumia has been Vice President for seven (7) years, he has his own strength so they should let him conduct his own campaign...It's difficult, we source for our own campaign funds, but for him as Vice President, he is fortunate because of state resources (vehicle, fuel, etc...), they should let him run his own campaign devoid of these logistical support," he said as he believed Dr. Bawumia was getting preferential treatment.

Also Dennis Miracles, speaking to Kwami Sefa Kayi on the 'Kokrokoo' programme as a panelist, recounted that some of the aspirants are hopping from a media house to the other just to come at Dr. Bawumia.

To him, those complaining or making loud noises are doing so because they know they stand no chance at winning the election.

" . . almost every time we go for primaries, the loudmouths are the ones who lose . . . Any time we are going to elections and you hear a person complaining, it means he is losing," he said.

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