GJA Praises COKA; You’re A Pillar In Media Development

The Ashanti regional branch of the Ghana Journalist Association(GJA) has awarded Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah for his contributions to media development.

The former New Patriotic Party(NPP) Chairman for Afigya Kwabre South in the Ashanti region is touted as an important stakeholder and pillar who has imparted in the media good ethics and professionalism.

The event that took place at the Rattray Park on Saturday, June 24, is in its fifth stage after its launch in May 2019.

The Association describes COKA as a truly selfless, “Boundless Partner” and a warrior in Media Development within Ghana and beyond.’ “Your lifeline support to the media fraternity is really admirable, and you indeed walk your talk.”

The citation reads:

“You are the kind of personality, irrespective of your political affiliation, always believing that unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration; that is only when wonderful things can be achieved.” You have imparted in the media good ethics and professionalism.

And extraordinarily, manage many characters and dispel the fears and worries in the media activism and wherever “we need you, you are always there to support us and show us the way”.

“GJA Ashanti would like to thank you and honor your exemplary leadership and support. Ayekoo Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah”.