NPP Decides: Supporters Of Kennedy Agyapong Slam Bawumia For Injurious Religious and Tribal Campaign

Ahead of November 4, 2023, NPP Presidential Primaries, supporters of Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong have called on HE Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to stop his religious and tribal bigotry in the supreme interest of the party.

One of the disappointed supporters, identified as Marie Amoako Boadu, descended heavily on the power-seeking Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to sell his message to the NPP delegates devoid of the political and religious campaign since it could be injurious if endorsed by the Christian sector against him.

In an emotional 4-minute video of Marie Amoako Boadu, the visibly angered supporter cited Ghana’s coexistence and religious tolerance in the past as enough for anyone not to incite any sector of the country against the other.

Speaking on why Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia should not play religious cards, the known support Kennedy Agyapong cited the 30% Muslim as against the 70% Christian population in Ghana as enough reason for the veep to avoid religious and tribal cards in his campaign trail.

Miss Marie Amoako Boadu called on the Vice President and his camp to craft a sellable message to salvage his sinking reputations rather than resort to tribal and religious cards within the political ecosystem.

“Don’t bring religious cards into this picture, if you are a Muslim, we are a 70% plus Christian nation. If you are a Muslim, we are not a Muslim nation so better stop this religious thing or we start delving it. Do you known the implications of having a Muslim as a president? Is that the conversation you want us to have? We have been religiously tolerant for each other for all these years. We must not allow Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to push us into a certain corner where we are now turning this into a religious conversation. We are talking about meritocracy and you are talking about religion. We are one people and one nation”- Miss Marie Amoako Boadu stated.

With barely four months to the Presidential showdown, Hon. Alan Kyerematen, Hon Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, and HE Dr. Mahamudu lead a pack of eight aspirants seeking to replace Akuffo Addo as the Presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party.