Ayikoi Otoo Reaffirms 'Aduro Wo So' On Alan

The facts are beginning to emerge from Alan Kyerematen's cluster delegates-durbar meetings, which currently, has taken over political conversations throughout the country.

Day two of his tour of Greater Accra to sell his message of hope and prosperity with NPP delegates saw him stop over at the Atomic Park in the Kwabenya where he met with delegates of the Dome-Kwabenya and Ayawaso West Wuogon constituencies. It was here that leading members of the NPP gave Alan's political history in the NPP and why, it was time for him to lead the elephant party to the 2024 elections.

Significantly, it was NPP stalwarts, some founding members, who set the records straight about the deep-seated commitment of the former Trade and Minister to the cause of the NPP.

Seasoned lawyer, Ayikoi Otoo, who served as Attorney-Generalbame Minister for Justice under President Agyekum Kufuor, and recently as High Commissioner under sitting President Nana Addo, was first to tell delegates the important role Alan played in the formation of the NPP.

Ayikoi Otoo reminded NPP delegates that Mr Kyerematen was a founding member of the NPP and President of the Young Executives Forum which was the major source of funding for the new party during its fledgling early days.

As a conservative party that rewards loyalty, longevity and commitment, the eminent jurist was telling NPP delegates that such quality was very paramount in the selection of the party's presidential candidate.

Both Presidents Kufuor and Akufo Addo, benefitted from such conservative oreintation of the NPP. That orderliness, made the choices of Kufuor and Akufo Addo very succinct and clear for NPP delegates when the two were contesting for the NPP presidential nomination.

Indeed, after losing the national election in 1996, the NPP kept faith with Kufuor by voting for him again in 1998 to become the presidential candidate in the 2000 general elections which he won to become President of the nation.

After losing the 2008 and 2012 national elections, the NPP still retained Akufo Addo by voting for him to lead the NPP as its presidential candidate in the 2016 elections which he overwhelmingly won.

The Kufuor, Akufo Addo stories did not occur by default. They were part of the conservative disposition of the NPP, which has evolved from a convention that the party rewards
long serving officials.

It is from this mindset that the tag 'Aduro No So', to wit, the time has come for you, was birthed and used to galvanize then candidate Nana Addo to victory in 2016.

In the case of the current sitting President, Aduro No So, metamorized into 'Ye Nim Nana firi Tete', loosely translated, we have known Nana from a long distance.

It is believed it was on the basis of this stated narrative that Ayikoi Otoo took his time to give the historical antecedent of Alan to the formation of the NPP.

The former Mayor of KMA, Mrs Patricia Appeagyei also underscored the inclusive nature of Alan's campaign.

In her view, every delegate of NPP Ayawaso West Wougon, where Hon Kyerematen recipes, is a manager of the his campaign to help him win to bring honour to the constituency.