Cecilia Dapaah's $1m+ €300k Stolen Cash: Even Bob Marley's Funeral Didn't Generate $1m - DKY Reacts

The Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE) for Ga West, Clement Wilkinson, a few days ago, suggested that the US$1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghana Cedis allegedly stolen from Cecilia Dapaah's residence could be proceeds of a funeral donation.

“The company which received $43 million to dredge the Odaw river could have given Cecilia Dapaah $2 million in funeral donation...You know until the family meets to look at the entire donation, it would not be touched. It could be the reason the money was at her home” he opined on UTV, Saturday.

Peace FM's Sports Journalist, Dan Kweku Yeboah (DKY) reacting to this during the Sports segment on 'Kokrokoo' programme, Tuesday wondered the truthfulness of Wilkinson's claim; questioning "How much money was even raised at Bob Marley's funeral?"

Listen to him in the video below