I Am A True Dombo But I Support Alan - NPP MP

In a remarkable show of political conviction and bravado, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Lambusei in the Upper West Region, Hon Bright Bakye Baligi has publicly endorsed the candidature of Alan Kyerematen, as the most suitable to lead the New Patriotic Party into the 2024 national elections.

What makes Hon Baligi's endorsement particularly intriguing is his assertion that he carries the blood of the late S.D. Dombo, a stalwart of the party in the Northern regions who is recognised as one of the founding pillars of the NPP tradition.

This bold declaration highlights the significance of meritocracy over lineage and exemplifies the growing importance of pragmatic leadership within the NPP.

The late Simon Diedong Dombo, a distinguished statesman and founding member of the United Party (UP) in Ghana, holds an esteemed place in the annals of NPP's political history. The declaration by his grandson for Hon Kyerematen is distinct a break from the ethnic politics being canvassed by some aspirants and a huge boost the chances of the man popularly called Alan Cash in the North.

For the Lambusei MP, it is his believe in the competence and capability that of Kyerematen that has swayed his support for him.

As part of the former Minister for Trade and Industry's team on his cluster delegates durburs across the country, Hon. Baligi traced his blood bondage to the Dombo lineage and said hia rooting for Hon Kyerematen was because of his overwhelming demonstrable competence, as against the mediocre achievements of other candidates.

He said "if there is anyone in the eighth Parliament with traces of Dombo it must be me. I am a blood family member and a grandson of Dombo but I support Alan. I support Alan because I see competency and practicality in him.
"His vision and practicality made me endorse him as a candidate to lead the party and Ghana at large".

The Lambusei lawmaker's endorsement of Alan Kyerematen serves as a powerful message for the future of Ghanaian politics as it underscores the significance of meritocracy and the need for leaders who can rise above their illustrious lineages to prioritize the interests of the people.

As the nation continues to evolve, the importance of progressive, competent, and practical leaders cannot be overstated.

The New Patriotic Party is set to elect the next flagbearer in the post-Akuffo Addo era on November 4, 2023.