Adisadel College Assault Video: Temper Justice with Mercy - NPP MP 'Begs' For Students

Member of Parliament for Asante Akim Central, Kwame Anyimadu Antwi has pleaded with the Ghana Education Service and authorities of the Adisadel College to temper justice with mercy in the case involving two students who engaged in a violent scuffle on campus.

A viral video, captured from the school, showed one of the students causing severe bodily harm to the other during their fight and this has ignited public rage.

Hours after the video surfaced on the internet, the authorities of Adisadel College suspended the culprit.

The Ghana Education Service, also reacting to the troubling video, in a press release noted it's taken it with seriousness and commended the Adisadel College for their prompt response to the incident.

"We commend the school authorities for promptly suspending the alleged perpetrator pending further investigation," the statement read.

Hon. Kwame Anyimadu Antwi, who is also the Chairman of Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs is pleading with the authorities, on behalf of the perpetrator, not to dismiss and/or give him a harsher punishment as sending him to court.

He argued that though the perpetrator's action is condemnable, dismissing or prosecuting the student may jeopardize his future.

To him, this situation should be contained in a manner that the student who assaulted his fellow student is given a punishment that will reform him, ensuring he doesn't repeat his action ever again.

"I believe Adisadel College will take a good decision," he said.

Describing the incident as "unfortunate", he however appealed to the school authorities not to bring the Police into the matter.

Hon. Kwame Anyimadu also advised parents and authorities of all education institutions in the country to keep an eagle eye on their children and train them to avoid violence as their resort to addressing conflicts.

"This is an opportunity where Headmasters, housemasters, senior housemasters, housemistresses must wake up and watch our school children closely," he said while delivering his submissions on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' show.