NDC Youth to Picket at the Ministry of Finance, Parliament and Occupy Gov't Offices Over 10% Betting Tax

The National Youth Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), George Opare Addo, has urged the government to immediately abolish the recently imposed 10% withholding tax on all gross gaming winnings.

In a press statement issued, the NDC Youth Wing has threatened a series of protests if the government does not repeal the tax.

Read full statement below


In the face of the unjust TEN (10%) taxation on bet Wins, we, the young people of Ghana and the NDC Youth, declare a resolute series of actions to resist this burdensome and insensitive policy.

Our unity is unwavering, and our determination to protect the funds young people secure through betting is unyielding. Through agitations, protests, advocacy, and civic engagements, we will ensure our voices are heard and demand that this CORRUPT Akufo-Addo/Bawumia Government rescind its decision. Young people shall not be burdened to compensate for the following;







We INTEND to do the following;






We are asking you as young people to mobilize and join in this struggle.

Further Instructions shall be communicated to all our NDC constituency youth wing departments across the country, and the public is encouraged to contact our officers across the country to synergize the delivery of our executed resistance and protest against this failed Government!

George Opare Addo

National Youth Organizer